Water Water

Water Water

Waipā Public Art


Water Water Everywhere

Fred Graham

Artwork details

Date circa 1980
Mediums Mixed Media
Physical description Five wooden and glass sculptures set within one wooden frame depicting the waterways within the Waipā district.


This art work’s name – “Water Water Everywhere, Not a Drop to Drink”, is inspired by Fred Grahams concern of water being sold overseas and not free for those who live here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Fred Graham is Ngāti Korokī Kahurua – Waikato Tainui and was born in Arapuni in 1928. Graham is one of this country’s most profound Māori artists, creating sculptural works using a range of media such as wood, stone, glass and stainless steel. He is known for his contemporary Māori art sculptures that reflect current themes and draw upon Māori traditions.

Graham has public sculptures that can be found in many places throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Graham received the Te Waka Toi Te Tohu Aroha mo Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu Award. In 2018, he received the Arts Foundation Icon Award and was named an officer of the Aotearoa New Zealand Order of Merit in the New Year’s Honours list for his services to Māori art.


Waipā District Council Chambers, Bank Street, Te Awamutu


Waka Tu

Waka Tu

Waipā Public Art

Fred Graham Untitled


Fred Graham

Artwork details

Date 2010
Mediums Stainless steel and paint
Physical description Tall vertical sclupture on a triangle base leading up to a curved point. Highly patterned in steel and paint.


The images show the front and back of the sculpture. The left image highlights the hard lines of the base leading up to the intricate patterns cut from stainless steel placed over the structure.

The right image, shows a curved base and top section with painted interwoven patterns of red, white and black.

The artist Fred Graham was commissioned to create the work for the opening of the Don Rowlands Centre in 2010.

Graham is a Tainui kaumatua of Ngāti Korokī Kahukura descent. He is a world-renowned carver and an inspiring mentor who has shared his knowledge and skills with many Aotearoa New Zealand artists.

Fred Graham has a number of artworks around the Waipā District and is well known for his big outdoor metal and mixed media work like “Kaitiaki” outside the Auckland War Memorial Museum and “Te Waka Taumata o Horotiu” on High Street in Auckland central.


Judd Lane, Don Rowlands Centre, Karapiro.


Le Quesnoy

Le Quesnoy

Waipā Public Art

Fred Graham La Quesnoy I

Le Quesnoy

Fred Graham

 Artwork details

Date 2019
Medium Stainless Steel
Physical description Vertical triangular-shaped fabricated from stainless steel with silver fern motif across two sides.


In commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the liberation of our sister city – Le Quesnoy by Aotearoa New Zealand soldiers in World War I.

It was commissioned by Armistice in Cambridge and set within the Lake Te Ko Utu Domain.

The artist Fred Graham is a Tainui kaumatua of Ngāti Korokī Kahukura descent. He is a world-renowned carver and an inspiring mentor who has shared his knowledge and skills with many Aotearoa New Zealand artists.

Fred Graham has a number of artworks around the Waipā District and is well known for his big outdoor metal and mixed media work like “Kaitiaki” outside the Auckland War Memorial Museum in “Te Waka Taumata o Horotiu” on High Street in Auckland central.


Top of Lake Te Koo Utu on the corner of Thornton Road and Victoria Street (State Highway 1B), Cambridge.



Waipā Public Art

Fred Graham Nurturing


Fred Graham

Artwork details

Date 1985
Medium Stone
Physical description Carved stone manu bird with three hatchlings.


Carved stone depicting the notion of nurture through the theme of manu birds and hatchlings.

This sculpture is situated within the Sculpture Park that was developed as a millennium project by a volunteer group – “Keep Te Awamutu Beautiful Society” in 2000.

The artist Fred Graham is a Tainui kaumatua of Ngāti Korokī Kahukura descent. He is a world-renowned carver and an inspiring mentor who has shared his knowledge and skills with many Aotearoa New Zealand artists.

Fred Graham has a number of artworks around the Waipā District and is well known for his big outdoor metal and mixed media work like “Kaitiaki” outside the Auckland War Memorial Museum in “Te Waka Taumata o Horotiu” on High Street in Auckland central.


Sculpture Park, off Albert Park Drive, Te Awamutu

Lamp Post

Lamp Post

Waipā Public Art

Fred Graham Lamp Post

Lamp Post

Fred Graham

Artwork details

Date Unknown
Medium  Stainless steel
Physical description Large lamp post with metal sculpture affixed to the top. It is situated within a rose garden.


The lamp post is suggestive of a manu bird form which connects to the Fountain of Birds sculpture in the Rose Gardens.

The artist Fred Graham is a Tainui kaumatua of Ngāti Korokī Kahukura descent. He is a world-renowned carver and an inspiring mentor who has shared his knowledge and skills with many Aotearoa New Zealand artists.

Fred Graham has a number of artworks around the Waipā District and is well known for his big outdoor metal and mixed media work like “Kaitiaki” outside the Auckland War Memorial Museum and “Te Waka Taumata o Horotiu” on High Street in Auckland central.


Corner of Roche and Vaile Streets, Te Awamutu.