Enquiry Form

Research or Collection Enquiry

  • Please provide us with as much information as possible to help us complete your enquiry quickly.
  • Record the date of your enquiry
    MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • Research and reproduction charges

    Research conducted by the Collections Manager on your behalf | $20 per half hour, plus any copying costs:

    • A4 size photocopies of archives | 30c each
    • A3 size photocopies of archives | 50c each
    • Digital copies of archives on CD | $2 per CD
    • Digital copies of archives sent by email | no copying cost
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ANZAC 2020

This year Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia were in lockdown due to Covid-19. Usually the Museum would have activities for families to come in and commemorate ANZAC Day after the annual Te Awamutu dawn ceremony on ANZAC Green in the township. This year we were asked to stand at our front gates at dawn and commemorate ANZAC day in our own homes. Front gates took on amazing commemorative spaces by families sharing the spirit of loved ones lost.

The Museum decided to create virtual activities like the online presentation about ANZAC Day utilising images from the collection, posting it to our FB page. We also asked our online community to share their front gate commemorative poppies to our FB. Wow, what incredible artwork and some amazing messages of inspiration.

Here are two of our online activities we shared virtually.


Make a Poppy 

To commemorate Anzac Day, on the 25th Apil 2020 we invite you to make a poppy with us and the RSA.
If you would like to make a poppy for ANZAC day you can watch the video and download your poppy template here:

How to make a poppy.pdf