25 March 2015 – 26 October 2015
Ake, Ake, Ake is a remarkable compilation of powerful and personal stories about seven Waikato-Maniapoto men that were part of the Māori Contingent during World War One.
Kohatu Hari Hemara Wahanui, Tuheka Taonui Hetet, Te Rehe Amohanga, Rotohiko Michael Jones, Joseph Ormsby, William Takoro Kohi and conscriptee Te Rauangaanga Mahuta are described by their whānau as ordinary men who were exceptional leaders. This account by Edith Dockery is a classic description of her father, Joseph Ormsby’s legacy:
‘I often fail to live by the standards my father set for us by example. He was a wonderful man. The horrors of his experiences in World War One did not embitter him, but rather perhaps gave him a greater appreciation of what life should be like.’
Upon entering the exhibition you gain an understanding of what life was like for Waikato Māori emerging from the 1860’s Waikato Land Wars only to be propelled into World War One 50 years later. What was that like for Waikato whānau/hapū/iwi? What was Te Hokowhitu a Tū and why were some Māori conscripted?
The main space introduces you to whānau memoirs of their tūpuna (ancestor). Although these young men shared different experiences, all returned home to their whānau and whenua.
Education programs are available for both our WW1 Exhibitions.
Maiea te Tupua – Satisfying the Spirit Book and DVD on sale at Miss Jefferson’s Curios, our museum store.
For more information about this exhibition or if you have any information or memorabilia you’d like share or loan to the museum for this exhibition please contact: museum@waipadc.govt.nz
Tom Roa JP, Maehe Paki, Pūrekireki Marae and Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao of the University of Waikato.
Maori WW1 Soldiers
Image supplied by John Hetet of Maori contingent brought together for the Flanders campaign during WW1. John is currently seeking further information on the soldiers within the photo, so please get in touch with Museum staff if you can help.