We Love Tuna with your Tui & Tama Club mascot – Tuna!
For the month of November we are excited to show the amazing life of Tuna on Front Porch Gallery at the Te Awamutu Museum – Education & Research Centre.
Pre-1840, the Waipā district was teaming with wildlife including tuna fisheries within its many rivers, peat lakes and swamps. Today, tuna fishers are much smaller and there are a lot of things that pose dangers for this native animal like manmade dams. This exhibition focuses on how Māori viewed tuna as taonga, the amazing lifecycle of tune, why the longfin tuna is endangered and what steps can we take to ensure tuna remain in our rivers, lakes and swamps.
Alongside this exhibition, for the month of November, there will be creative activities that help grow your interest and love of Tuna!
On display from 1st – 30th November 2023!